House Concerts

There are two ways to book a House Concert with Tierra Negra:


1. Private House Concert

A house concert is a chance to experience music in a warm and intimate environment. It’s when you open up your home and invite your friends into your living room to share in a performance by favorite musicians. It’s a chance to meet the performers and is also a great social evening of friends and neighbors.

Hosting a house concert is rewarding and fairly easy to do. If the artist is touring in your area with an open day, that might be the perfect time to plan such an event. The host sets up chairs and prepares refreshments for intermission or after the concert. The artist sells CDs at this time or the host can choose to purchase CDs in advance for the guests.

The cost for a private house concert is much less on weeknights when performer is in the area, (the cost since 1988 has remained the same). You may opt to encourage the audience members to give a recommended donation as in the public house concert, which in most cases covers the artist cost completely.

2. Public House Concert

A public house concert can be set up when routing permits and when there are no other concerts in the immediate region.  You invite your friends and the artist’s fans to share in a live performance in your home. The audience members are invited to give a donation to help cover costs. Recommended donation is usually about €25, but may vary regionally. Advance reservations may be made on Tierra Negra’s website. Your address is only given to the people who make a reservation, so you will know how many will be attending. There is a small guarantee from the host for the performers, and typically either all of the proceeds go to the performers, or less the amount to cover refreshments, chair rental, and/or a percentage the host.

  • Contact your family and friends in your area. Tell them you are hosting a house concert. You may mail invitations, post some flyers or find other ways to get the word out. Poster/flyer templates are downloadable.
  • We’ll send out an email to fans and post it on the website. We can also take prepaid reservations online. Recommended donation can be determined by the number of seats available. If the room only seats 30, the recommended donation will be higher than if the room seats 80.
  • Rent some folding chairs if needed
  • Prepare refreshments and beverages for intermission or after the show, or alternately, you can advertise it as a pot-luck house concert.
  • Please let us know if you have pets that may be an issue to audience members with allergies.

Ready to set one up? Email us at info (at)